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0 Quality site according to Google....

>>> How often you face the panda and the Penguin attacks by Google ???  Is Matt & Eric both have made you confused about the updates... ???

Then her's the solution about the same.

Many people of the our search industry are spending time surfing the internet for the definition of QUALITY of a website according to Google (at least i have done a lot :) )

Congratulate me my Search brothers at least i got some %%% of the QUALITY definition according to Google.

Straight away coming to my point and making the readers understand lets just see what is have in my bag...

What Makes a Quality Site.. ??

  I would like to review an example scenario with you. I often use this in my presentations on SEO. The scenario is one where a user searches on “frogs”. The first result looks promising, so they click on it, and they get something that looks like this

We are just stuffing the keywords and i know we are using many article spinning and comparing tools for keyword stuffing :(  

Instead of lets just try this ::: 

The interested readers can analyse what exactly i wanted to say [Hopefully :) ]

The resulting page isn’t a duplicate of the first, but the information provided is the same. So they go back and click on the third result and get yet another non-duplicate page that still does not have what they want. At this point, they’re very frustrated. It turns out the information they’re looking for is what frogs eat, and they’re not finding the information they’re looking for.

The reason I use this example is I am trying to show clients that being non-duplicate is not enough, and they need to do more to expect to rank in the search results.

By doing the above tactic you can rank well but not for much time the engines are becoming more smarter than before,

Those other sites are not bringing additional value. While they’re not duplicates they bring nothing new to the table.It’s not that there’s anything wrong with what these people have done, but they should not expect this type of content to rank.

I say Unquely-Simple is the word. We need to ask ourself what really works and adds our value too? That does not mean we cannot create something that works, but we need to figure out what it’s that makes us special.

We should not forget that Google is also a company and ask your self don't you love any BRAND, and many e-commerce heroes think that Google gives importance to brands or paid advertisers in organic ranking, but guys Google has emphasize that whether someone is an advertiser doesn’t help in our web search rankings at all.

Google does try to mirror the real world. We try to reflect the real-world importance of things as we see that reflected in the web, Yes Brands sometimes are an indicator that people see value, but it isn’t the only way that people see value.There are many other possible indicators that something is important and worth surfacing in the search results.

Coming back to our "Quality point" It is a part of what Google's algorithm does: work to find quality diverse results that help solve problems for users. I would discourage people from thinking about from an algorithmic perspective though. What they should focus on is looking at the overall landscape of their market.

SEO now a days is already a crowded space with entrenched players.

Consider focusing on a niche area initially, instead of going head to head with the existing leaders of the space. Find something that the entrenched players do not do well, and focus on that. Establish a reputation in that niche, become a leader in it, and then expand from there.

The overall game to give ease to the visitor and present the exact content without wasting their time in a smart manner. [As hopefully what i did :)]

Hopefully i am able to clear some important aspects related to what is "Quality"

There are lot more things to come related to what you are waiting for ..!! Yes its what are Quality link....


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